Tuesday, May 29, 2018


Today's Horoscope

All signs:
The stars want to remind you to take it easy on yourself and others. They remind you of this on a fairly regular basis, they know, but they feel people these days need to hear it more than ever. We're all just trying our best, there's no need to make it that much harder.
Next time you're punishing yourself, or tearing someone else down, stop for a moment, and think about what your motivation is. Think about what you hope to achieve. Think about whether it's a step forward, or two steps back.
Anger and pain, fear and insecurity, they all wear masks to fool you and trip you up.
Instead of letting anger cloud your judgment, learn to control it and let it go.
Instead of letting pain define you, overcome it and move on.
Instead of letting fear stop you, stare it down and conquer it.
Instead of letting your insecurities dictate your actions, learn to love who you are and go forward.
Realize that most of the time, it's just your ego manifesting itself in strange ways. It's your ego that needs inflating by attacking others. In a weird twist, it's also your ego telling you that you're not worth it, that you don't deserve the good things in life, because most people don't understand that ego goes both ways.
So save yourself and the world a bunch of misery and trouble, and don't contribute to the darkness. Darkness is messy. It gets all over you, whether you know it or not, and it hides in the creases. You can't dabble in any of it without it affect you as well.
The stars will keep repeating it, probably long after the solar system is gone: take it easy, on yourself and others, and be the person you really want to be. It's that easy and that hard, all at the same time.
But it is doable, so do it.

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