Tuesday, May 29, 2018

5/13/18 Mother's Day

Today's Horoscope

All signs:
Today is Mother's Day, and the stars want you to thank your mother. Being a mother is sometimes a thankless job, and if you have a mother who was even a little bit good at it, you'll never be able to repay her. Of course, a good mother should never really make you feel like you need to repay her. As you get older, you will come to realize that, most likely, no one will ever love you like your mother does.
At least that's true of boys. Moms and daughters usually have much more complicated relationships. They become strained at times, and there can be long periods full of resentment and jealousy. There are a million reasons for all of this, and sadly, some mother/daughter relationships don't always survive. Some lucky women have very close, special relationships with their mom, some have weird, complex ones that are a mix angst and love, that's just how it goes.
Then there are some mothers who just aren't good at it. Maybe you came along at a really bad time in their lives. Maybe they had horrible parents, and never figured out how to be a mom. Maybe they had been beaten down and felt worthless, or had mental health problems or addictions. That can all feel like betrayal and abuse to a child of a woman who was damaged, and maybe it is.
So, if you have a mom who has always been there for you, and taught you unconditional love, hug her tight today and be thankful for how lucky you are.
If you have a mom that had one of those topsy turvy relationships with, forget about the petty crap you've dealt with now and then, and make today about the good times.
If you had a horrible mom, who was never there, or who let you down over and over, well… Maybe try to find it in your heart to forgive her and just move on. In the process, you can forgive yourself, because usually those moms bring a whole set of guilt, and feelings of worthlessness that you don't deserve. For Mother's Day, be your own mom, and figure out a way to make it all better. It's time, already.
Then there is the last group of children. You may have a mother who is no longer with you. Whether your mother was your best friend, your sparring partner, or the person you think helped to ruin your life, when she's gone, so is your chance at telling her how you feel or fixing what's between you. Don't waste the opportunity, and don't wait until Mother's Day to let her know.
The stars want to let you know that your mother is never truly gone. For better or for worse, she's always going to be a part of you. Carry her with you, and learn from her, whether it's from her wisdom and love, or her failures and mistakes. Know that your mother probably knew you better than yourself, and even if there are things you left unsaid, she most likely knew anyway. Mom's are always happy to make it easier on you. Sometimes your mom isn't even the woman who gave birth to you, but still gave you what a mother gives.
Whoever your mom is, for all the good and all the bad, whether she's still here, or only here in your heart, celebrate her, even if it's just a little bit. If you find some resentment, remember that she also had to deal with all the scary and terrible stuff you do now, and be your mom on top of it. So give her a break, even if it's just for one day. The stars know that's a hard thing to do, but do it anyway.
Sometimes, that's what being a mother is.

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